2021 property tax credit calculator. The state sales tax rate in vermont is 6%, but you can. New York Sales Tax Calculator Reverse Sales Dremployee “our bipartisan plan will make the tax code more fair for michigan drivers by exempting vehicle manufacturer rebates from sales and use taxes.” Vermont sales tax calculator . Taxes on alcoholic beverages in vermont vary depending on the type of beverage. So, whilst the sales tax rate in vermont is 6%, you can actually pay anywhere between 7% and 7% depending on the local sales tax rate applied in the municipality. Every 2021 combined rates mentioned above are the results of vermont state rate (6%), the vermont cities rate (0% to 1%). Capital gains rates are subject to. Counties and cities can charge an additional local sales tax of up to 1%, for a maximum possible combined sales tax of 7%; Vermont sales tax rates vary depending on which county and city you’re in, which can make finding the right sales tax rate a headache. ...